During this time, many quality of life features have been implemented to make the emulator easier and more enjoyable to use, graphics have taken another step forward, and our audio emulation has finally reached a mature point where there are features yet to be implemented, but what's implemented now works great. Last week we released our newest stable build, version 1.2.6 marking 6 months since our last progress report.
The plan at the time was to release it within 2 weeks, but other priorities came up and getting the Pi release to production quality was put on hold. In this past year, support has been added for multiple new platforms to make the emulator accessible, performance has dramatically increased, new features such as save states and cheat support have landed to make emulating more fun, and numerous accuracy improvements were made to continue polishing the overall emulation experience. Hot off the presses is our latest stable, version 1.5.0, marking the second stable release since the last progress report.
Progress Report February 2020 February 13th, 2020.